AANCC Miami Conference 2010

DECEMBER 15, 2010


Simply an Apollicests!

Several Representatives from the African Nation Embassies, members of the AANCC and many small business owners, executives and Federal Government Agencies attended the “MIAMI-AFRICA BUSINESS CONFERENCE 2010” held on December 15, 2010 at Hyatt Regency Hotel Miami, Folrida.

The conference began with opening statements by Honorable Anthony Hill, Florida State Senator, followed by the Representative of the City of Dade County, Miami and the Representative of the Governor of Florida State. Participants then heard four guest keynote speakers representing the African Nations, members of the AANCC, addressing their needs and business opportunities in their respecitve countries.

Our four Guest Speakers and Presenters included the Representatives from the Embassies of: Madagascar, South Africa, Uganda, and the Representative from the Republic of Mauritius to discuss the challenges and rewards of implementing development projects in Africa. The one-day conference also featured face to face discussions between the African Representatives and the American business Executives, as well as participant-driven breakout sessions.
Not only did the City of Dade County Miami meet our conference needs, said Anthony A. L. Adjasse, President / CEO of the AANCC, but this event first ever, allows us to draw attention to the needs and the opportunities that Africa offers. The AANCC established the event, with the goal of providing American business community, with important information about its business development strategies in Africa. It is indubitable to mention that attendance has reached our expectation and beyond.

This Miami business event is a business-focused conference designed to help American companies understand and be able to use the AANCC African Government Official networks, and also to have the occasion to share their business experiences among themselves. The American business community had learned from the African Nations Representative and experts, vital information about how to successfully fulfill the African Governments and private sector needs.
Another objective of the conference is to create a mechanism and process for linking African Nations decision-makers and the private sector with the best possible American corporations with relevant experiences, in terms of conducting business in Africa with efficient results. Therefore, the AANCC mean purpose of the conference is to create feedback loops to facilitate demand-driven inquiry from the African Nations and to help to promote high-level business exchange among African business community and their American development partners.

Also, the AANCC is very pleased to announce the creation of its new Chapter in Mami, Florida in the upcoming weeks. This Chapter will facilitate the establishement of an efficient and sustainable partnership between the Miami business community and its African counterpart

* Anthony A. L. Adjasse
President / CEO of AANCC
Opening Remarks

* Honrable Anthony Hill, Sr.
Senator, State of Florida

* Desmond Alufohai, CMP
International Trade Coordinator
City of Dade County – Miami, Florid

* Eric Germain
Founder & International Coordinator
of Mauritius Christian Chamber of Commerce
Specially Invited from the Republic of Mauritius

* Jeff Govan
Business Development Manager
Consulate General Embassy of South Africa

To the United Nations New York City 

* Timothy Nathan
Embassy of Madagascar
To the United States, Washington DC

(R – L)
* Peter S. Nielson – Honorary Consul, Republic of Uganda
* Timothy Nathan – Embassy of Madagascar
* Eric Germain – Republic of Mauritius
* Anthony A. L. Adjaase – President / CEO of AANCC
* Jeff Govan – Embassy of South Africa
* Honorable Anthony C. Hill, Sr. Senator of Florida State
* Desmond Alufohai, CMP – Dade County City, Miami, FL
* Bryant J. Salter – Enterprise Florida, Inc.
Governer’s office, Miami, Florida

African Nation Representaitves’ Panel Discussion:
* Eric Germain – Republic of Mauritius
* Jeff Govan – Embassy of South Africa
* Timothy Nathan – Embassy of Madagascar
* Peter Niesen – Republic of Uganda

* H.E. Zina Andrianarivelo – Ambassador
Republic of Madagascar
* Greg Deforge – Vice President of Marketing
First Priority Emergency Vehicules

* H.E. Zina Andrianarivelo – Ambassador
Republic of Madagascar
* Eric Germain – Founder / International Coordinator
Christian Chamber of Commerce, Republic of Mauritius

* Anthony A. L. Adjasse – President / CEO of AANCC
*Carmenza Jaramillo
Consul – Republic of Columbia, Florida 
* Carolina Coulson – Executive Director
Colombian American Chamber of Commerce

(L – R)
* Eric Germain – Founder / International Coordinator
Christian Chamber of Commerce, Republic of Mauritius
* H.E. Zina Andrianarivelo – Ambassador
Republic of Madagascar
* Anthony A. L. Adjasse – President / CEO of AANCC